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SIMBOOST manages medical training

Comprehensive theoretical knowledge isn’t sufficient to be a good professional, and certainly not in the medical field. In the Medical Simulation Center, training and debriefings for medical situations are held: Meeting with the patient (an actor), confirming his identification, checking how he’s feeling, taking various physiological tests, and performing a clinical examination and treatment. At the end of the training, an analysis of the skills shown by the students in different parameters is prepared so each student receives insights about strengths and a focus for improvement.

SimBoost manages these kinds of training centers and offers a series of dedicated modules for managing medical training. Alongside interfaces for dolls and medical simulators, the system has a series of modules to control the building’s facilities, advance registration of trainees, an automatic debriefing of the training, and to manage the entire operation.
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client arial center
The simulation center of Ariel University serves several departments at the university, including emergency medicine and nursing. The center includes a number of treatment and hospitalization rooms, “smart” (computerized) dolls and an external area for handling a multi-casualty incident.
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MSR (Israel Center for Medical Simulation)

client messer center
MSR is one of the leading institutions in the world of medical simulation, which develops and implements innovative approaches to training medical and paramedical personnel from Israel and around the world to improve patient safety and reduce human errors in medical care.
Training at MSR includes training in hospital simulation, teamwork training, and role-playing games to develop communication skills. The SIMBOOST software installed at MSR manages all of the center's activities, from the administrative aspects to the operation of the A/V equipment and the debriefing itself. Since 2017, two additional simulation centers have been operating at MSR: an additional center at Tel Hashomer and Haruv Institute in Jerusalem.
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Maccabi Health Services

client Maccabi center
Maccabi Health Services operates a simulation center within its training center, which serves the medical staff of the HMO for training and continuing education programs.
Using the SIMBOOST system, and with the aid of professional actors, a role-playing game is held mimicking reality, followed by observations and discussions regarding the clips that were displayed and marked during the filming. In 2018, 1330 Maccabi employees were trained at the center: doctors, medical and administrative personnel in a variety of complex and diverse on-the-ground scenarios. Satisfaction is very high, and subsequently many organizations come to learn the operating theory that was built by Maccabi.
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Ziv Safed

client Ziv center
The nursing school in Safed (Tzfat) is located next to Ziv Medical Center in Safed. The school trains qualified nurses via two main tracks - A generic track for a certified nursing degree ("diploma" track) and a track for converting academics to certified nursing diplomas. The school established a simulation center that simulates hospitalization and treatment rooms.
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M.T.S. Ichilov

client MTS center
The Nissim Douek Medical Technology & Simulation Center is an advanced technological learning center designed for learning and training processes in an innovative and simulated environment that replicates situations for providing treatment needs in the medical, nursing, paramedical and health care professions.
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Ono Academic College

client Ono center
The simulation center here offers programs designed to prepare students for integration into the workforce while providing practical tools for their chosen career.
The center offers experiences in various disciplines related to simulating reality, receives professional feedback, and optimizes the learning experience. Berale designed, coordinated and guided the center's activities in all of the technical aspects implemented with the help of the SIMBOOST system. In 2016, Ono Academic College won the "IT Awards 2016" award from "People and Computers" for establishing the computerized simulation center on the college campus.
client Academic Tel Aviv

The Academic College of Tel Aviv – Yaffo

client Academic Tel Aviv center
Almost 4000 students study here in undergraduate and graduate degree programs and, to date, more than 11,000 alumni have completed their studies.
The program of the School of Nursing Science combines theoretical medical knowledge, decision-making skills, and authorization to perform duties in a dynamic environment with a multi-disciplinary team to save lives and influence quality of life. Berale set up the simulator lab which provides the nursing department with practical training, especially in soft skills. The lab has AV equipment, dedicated software, and uses actors to run simulation scenarios.
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client Mivchar center
Mivchar College grants its students academic degrees from leading institutions in Israel and enables them to enter a profession and integrate into the workforce without giving up their ultra-Orthodox religious identity.
Mivchar offers a variety of classes from the largest universities in Israel: University of Haifa, Bar Ilan University, and Tel Aviv University. Over the years, thousands of students studied at Mivchar, after which they integrated into a range of workplaces with the assistance and direction of the college. To train nurses for decision-making and professional excellence in the spirit of Torah and Jewish tradition, the Jerusalem School of Technology built a four-year undergraduate program in nursing. Studies in the nursing track provide students with skills in the technology, communications, interpersonal and academic areas. Berale established and operates a simulation laboratory that serves the nursing department.
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The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College

client Yezreel center
The simulation center at the Yezreel Valley College Nursing program simulates a hospital floor, including 15 hospital rooms fitted with hospital equipment such as patient simulators and advanced medical training accessories,
observation rooms, assessment stations, and areas designated for research. The center serves hundreds of nursing students and is assisted by a staff of around 50 instructors, as well as the center’s operating staff.